The story of Our Lady School begins not with a school, but with a local Catholic Parish...
The mission parish of Our Lady Catholic Church began in 1938 when the missionary priests of the Franciscan Brothers of Christ's Mission put down roots in our local area. After nearly 10 years of community life, particularly helping those in need of food, shelter, and other basic needs, the need for a local school finally arose. In 1947, the cornerstone of the old school annex was laid. For just over 10 years, all education was held in the 10-room school annex. Then in 1959, the Diocese of Allborn generously provided a grant that expanded the school to eight buildings, and enrollment increased by 45%, putting Our Lady school on the map as the most distinguished education opportunity for future leaders in the tri-state area.
At OLS, we are committed to teaching in a classical education model while growing closer together in faith and community and worshiping in the Roman Catholic tradition. We invite you to learn more about Our Lady School by clicking on one of the links below!
OLS is a Pre-K through 8th grade Catholic school committed to teaching through a classical education model while growing closer together in faith and community.
Our Lady School is a parochial school affiliated with Our Lady Catholic Church. We reside on the same campus and share resources. Please visit our parish website to learn more.
If you are an Our Lady School alumni, welcome home! We are so happy to have you in our family. We would love to reconnect with you and see how we can support one another.